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3 comments | Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The first time I fell in love was long ago.
I didn't know how to give my love at all.
The next time I settled for what felt so close.
But without romance, you're never gonna fall.

After everything I've learned;
Now it's finally my turn.
This is the last time I'll fall... in love.

The first time we walked under that starry sky,
there was a moment when everything was clear.
I didn't need to ask or even wonder why, because each question is answered when your near.
and I'm wise enough to know when a miracle unfolds, this is the last time i'll fall in love.

Now don't hold back, just let me know.
Could i be moving much too fast or way too slow.
'Cause all of my life, I've waited for this day.
To find that once in a lifetime, this is it, I'll never be the same.

You'll never know what it's taken me to say these words.
And now that I've said them, they could never be enough.
As far as I can see, there's only you and only me.

This is the last time I'll fall in love.
Last time i'll fall in love.
The last time i'll fall... in love.

I am not a flower person. I am not the kind of guy that will buy flowers in Dangwa as a gift to a special someone. Yup, I know that there is a kind of unexplained feeling that you will feel after u received those generic gifts during Valentines. But, I want to do it this time in a more unique and personal way. Instead of buying a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolate, I preferred to do it personally by using my talent. Its not because I want to save money (pero pwede na rin un). Its the effort that I want to show you how special you are. Thats why after our Malate night last friday, I created a simple video compilation of our pictures together. The memories of those pictures, us together, were priceless and incomparable and thank God to my instinct that the song which I used, as a background music, is one of your favorite love song. I promised that I did not had a researched beforehand.:-). It is our first Valentines together and I hope we will celebrate a lot of Valentine's day in the coming years. 'Cause all of my life, I've waited for this day/To find that once in a lifetime, this is it, I'll never be the same.I love you and Happy Valentine's Day.

p.s. time will come...you'll receive those flowers baby.


Blogger . said...

I am very happy for you! I wonder where in Malate did you date. :)

12:16 PM

Blogger lazy john said...

awwww sweet naman... ;p

12:59 PM

Blogger jbinx said...

@mugen..after ng di kami nkapsok sa UP Fair dahil sa sobrang dami tao at sobra gulo we went to Marikina and Malate instead..

@lazy john..yup pati ako kinilig :-p

1:06 PM


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