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6 comments | Sunday, March 08, 2009

Great night to all Eraserheads fans. I just arrived from the Eheads concert and I can say that the final set is more relaxed and fun but has less kilabot factor than the previous one. The venue in The Fort, Taguig is better that the concert ground at Mall of Asia. Smaller stage, sound and visual effects were not that good compared to the first one regardless of long preparation and a lot of sponsors that the second concert have. But all in all, the concert was great as ever since the interaction of the Eheads member to their fans was quite good and funny unlike the first one wherein the band never spoke or interacted to the fans. It’s quite noticeable that they, especially Ely, prepared physically and mentally for this concert to have the best concert they will give to the fans.

I loved the alphabetical "countdown" to the letter “e”. What a unique way to start the concert.

One of my favourite part is when they performed “Minsan”. As a dormer, I can relate on how you build friendship and camaraderie in the dormitory like how the Eraserheads met and built their friendship that started in the Kalayaan dorm during their stay in UP. While, the new version of "Alapaap" will give you chills in its acoustic touch.

Also, I like the idea of giving the centerstage to the other member. Raymund sang 2 songs and Marcus with his pink guitar sang a reggae version of “Huwag Mo Nang Itanong”. After they finished their part, the attention of the crowd was transferred to Buddy and he gracefully sang a line with a smile in his face.

As expected, some part of the concert was dedicated to band’s good friend Francis Magalona who died yesterday from cancer. They sang “Super Proxy”and a snippet of Francis M’s “Kaleidoscope World” for him.

They ended their concert with the hit song “Ang Huling El Bimbo” together with the great fireworks show. It was a big bang to wrap up the last Eraserheads concert ever. I’m just wondering about the significance or value of the old piano that Ely tried to set aflame. Nevertheless, it was a great night for the fans. Surely, this is one of the most memorable concert I will cherish for the rest of my life.

Eraserheads just had a grand farewell but definitely their music will live forever.


Blogger makinao said...

You missed the "extra" set of 3 songs. Ligaya, Sembreak and Toyang. Or maybe you left early.

9:40 AM

Blogger jbinx said...

Hmm. Nope. We went back.:-)For me the encore part is just a bonus.Great night indeed. Thanks Makinao :-).

10:06 AM

Blogger Joaqui said...

I missed this one. I wanted to go but too tired to leave the house. I went to the first one though.

The Fort, I would agree, is the better venue. Part of the reason why I did not go is because of the venue.

I hope just like the first one, they will release this concert on DVD.

1:16 PM

Blogger jbinx said...

I really hope that dis will be the last concert..But I am sure, with eheads surprises...another concert will be staged in the next few years..bka pwede ka na nun :-) thanks Wax.

2:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

malamang hindi na talaga magunite in a concert ang mga ex-eheads member..sinira na kasi ni ely ang symbolic piano..hehe..sayang talaga..

9:54 AM

Blogger jbinx said...

pwede pa naman cguro...if the price is right :-) pero sana naman hindi

10:19 AM


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