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1 comments | Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I was absent at work yesterday because its my tatay’s birthday. It’s been a great and relaxing day for us. During the afternoon, I received a text message from one of my 1st year student asking me where I am and why am I absent. I told him that I already resigned and they will have their new teacher today :-p . I told them this morning that I was just joking and hope that they will behave properly in the coming days since they told me that I am their fave teacher (I don’t believe them ehehe) and they will miss me if ever I decided to resign.
I was asked by the adviser of Ang Lagablab, the students’ official publication of PSHS, to help them in the lay outing and graphic designing of their newspaper. It’s been years since I left the university publication and I still don’t know if I still have the knowledge in using the Adobe PageMaker software for desktop publishing. Hope that I can review the techniques in lay outing and I’m sure I will enjoy the whole week helping them in their newspaper.
Tomorrow will be the start of my violin classes by Ms. Precy of Samplaloc, Manila. (Until now, I don't even know the exact location of her Music studio but I'm sure that I can find her). Wish me luck!


Blogger Unknown said...

hi can you send me a copy of PSHS copy of Ang Lagablab? im an avid fan of campus press and your publication is one of the best in the country.

2:27 PM


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